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National Art Honor Society (NAHS)

Requirements for National Art Honor Society: 

Students from 9-12 grade who love art are invited to apply for the National Art Honor Society.  Students who are interested can and are encouraged to participate prior to becoming inducted.


Requirements to participate in NAHS 

  • Maintain a cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher.
  • No disciplinary referrals in high school (including tardies!) or membership will be revoked. 
  • Participate in teacher directed art related service hours after school and on weekends
  • Pay the annual dues: $25.00 fee for new members, $15.00 fee for returning members 
  • Required to attend monthly meetings after school in A201 at CHS
    •  Each year the monthly meeting day . 
  • Required to attend a minimum of 15 open studio hours after school in A201
    • Days of Open Studio Hours will vary week to week and will be announced to students through the Remind app.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY…..You are required to love art and want to make art!

 NOTE:  All service hours collected prior to induction will count towards earning your NAHS honor cord at graduation.

Requirements to be inducted to National Art Honor Society

  • Met all requirements to participate in NAHS (see participation requirements).
  • Currently enrolled in a high school level Art Class or have taken at least 1 Art Class with an A average.
  • Attended 80% or more of mandatory monthly meetings.


grade level:  9-12

GPA:  3.0 or higher

Which program school students are eligible to join?



What are the additional requirements to become a member?:  

  • Students who are currently enrolled or successfully passing an art class with an A average. 
  • All interested ninth grade students who have taken art in middle school and anticipate taking an art class within the next school year are welcome to apply. (an art portfolio presentation may be requested)

Requirements to earn honor cord graduating year

  • Must be a senior or graduating early
  • Met all previous requirements

 Service Hour Requirements

  • Participate in teacher directed art related service hours after school and sometimes on weekends.
  • Required to attend open studio hours after school 
    • Days of open studio hours will vary week to week and will be announced to students through the Remind app.


Cord Requirements

  • Fulfilled required community service hours by graduation
  • Participated in the yearly required studio hours 
  • Attended 80% or more of mandatory monthly meetings
  • Have completed a minimum of one Visual Art class with an A

Advisor:  Sandi Snyder and Erin Ramsey             

Dues: $20 for new members; $10.00 for returning members

Mandatory Meetings: Second Wednesday of every month